Field Crop Seeds

Obtain high quality produce and superior yields with Samriddhi seeds.

Hybrid Maize – MM 2255 

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 200 to 230 cm
  • Seed colour and texture: Bold kernel, yellow-orange and dent
  • Cob placement: Medium
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 95 days, Rabi – 105 to 110 days

Salient Features:

  • Short duration hybrid
  • Attractive orange grain
  • Uniform cob size
  • High shelling percentage
  • Field tolerant

Hybrid Maize – MM 2562 

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 175 to 205 cm
  • Shank colour: White and medium thin
  • Seed colour: Orange
  • Seed texture: Medium bold and semi flint
  • Cobs placement: Medium
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 105 to 110 days, Rabi – 115 to 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Consistent performance with excellent tip filling
  • Excellent keeping quality
  • High yielding hybrid
  • Field tolerant

Hybrid Maize – MM 2121 

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 180 to 200 cm
  • Shank colour: Red and very thin
  • Seed colour: Orange yellow
  • Seed texture: Medium bold and semi dent
  • Cobs placement: Medium
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 110 to 115 days, Rabi – 115 to 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Field tolerant


Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 200 to 230 cm
  • Seed colour and texture: Bold kernel, yellow-orange and dent
  • Shank colour: Red
  • Cob placement: Medium
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 95 days, Rabi – 105 to 110 days

Salient Features:

  • Field tolerant
  • F1 seed is bold, flat and dent kernel


Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 210 to 220 cm
  • Seed colour: Orange
  • Seed texture: Semi flint
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 105 to 110 days, Rabi – 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Leaf edges are very sharp and rough surface
  • Leaf drooping observed 10 days before physiological maturity

Hybrid Maize – MM 2030

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: Medium (190 to 210 cm)
  • Shank colour: White
  • Seed colour: Orange yellow
  • Seed texture: Semi flint
  • Cobs placement: Medium height (75-90 cm)
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 95 to 110 days, Rabi – 110 to 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Tolerant to major diseases and pests


Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 180 to 200 cm
  • Seed colour: Orange yellow
  • Seed texture: Medium bold and semi dent
  • Cobs placement: Medium
  • Maturity period: Kharif – 110 to 115 days, Rabi – 115 to 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Tolerant to diseases

Wheat – MWR 9009

Product Specifications:

  • Growth habit: Erect
  • Plant height: 65 to 70 cm
  • Ear length: (excluding awns and scurs) 11 to 13 cm
  • Grain colour: Amber
  • No. of grains per year: 55 to 60

Salient Features:

  • Medium-late maturity
  • High yield and productivity
  • Tolerant to rust
  • Best for chapati making
  • Resistant to diseases

Wheat – MWR 9000

Product Specifications:

  • Growth habit: Erect
  • Plant height: 80 to 85 cm
  • Ear length: (excluding awns and scurs) 11 to 14 cm
  • Grain colour: Amber, shining
  • No. of grains per year: 50 to 55

Salient Features:

  • Early maturity
  • High yield and productivity
  • Tolerant to rust
  • Bold grains with more protein

Mustard – MU 6565

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 95 to 105 cm
  • 1000 grain weight: 3.0 to 4.0 grams
  • Maturity period: 88 to 95 days

Salient Features:

  • Oil content of 40 to 42%
  • Tolerant to pests and diseases


Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 95 to 110 cm
  • 1000 grain weight: 3.5 to 4.0 grams
  • Maturity period: 100 to 110 days

Salient Features:

  • Oil content of 40 to 42%
  • Tolerant to pests and diseases
  • High primary and secondary branches
  • Tolerant to downy mildew


Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 95 to 105 cm
  • 1000 grain weight: 3.0 to 4.0 grams
  • Maturity period: 95 to 110 days

Salient Features:

  • High oil content of 40 to 42%
  • Tolerant to major pest and diseases

Hybrid Bajra – Sardar

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 200 to 220 cm
  • Seed size: Bold
  • Seed shape: Oval
  • Seed colour: Slate colour
  • Maturity period: 80 to 85 days

Salient Features:

  • Lodging resistance
  • Tolerant to downy mildew and smut
  • Robust and uniform growth

Hybrid Bajra – MB1010

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 200 to 220 cm
  • Seed size: Bold
  • Seed shape: Oval
  • Seed colour: Slate colour
  • Maturity period: 80 to 85 days

Salient Features:

  • Lodging resistance
  • Tolerant to downy mildew and smut
  • Robust and uniform growth

Sunflower – Suntop

Product Specifications:

  • Height: 115 to 120 cm
  • Maturity period: 95 to 100 days
  • Diameter of head: 17 to 18 cm
  • Seed shape: Ovoid
  • Seed size: Bold
  • Seed colour: Black

Salient Features:

  • Neck break is absent
  • Bending of head is medium
  • Head size is big and flat
  • High oil content is 41 to 43%

Rice – Vikram

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 100 to 110 cm (Semi dwarf)
  • Seed colour: Straw
  • Seed shape and size: Medium bold to medium slender
  • Maturity period: 130 to 135 days

Salient Features:

  • Disease and pest reaction: Medium tolerant to blast, BPH
  • Lodging tolerant
  • Yield potential under good agronomic practices: 65 to 75 q/ha

Rice – Indradev

Product Specifications:

  • Seed shape and size: Medium bold
  • Seed colour: Brown
  • Maturity period: 120 to 125 days

Salient Features:

  • Disease reaction: Medium resistance to diseases
  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 25-30 q/acre
  • Excellent cooking taste and quality

Rice – Sowbhagya

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 90 to 95 cm
  • Plant type: Erect
  • Seed shape and size: Medium slender
  • Seed colour: Attractive golden yellow
  • Maturity period: 135 to 140 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 45 to 50 q/ha
  • Lodging tolerant
  • Moderately tolerant to pests and diseases

Rice – Kiran

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 90 to 95 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Medium slender and non-aromatic
  • Seed colour: Brown
  • Maturity period: 110 to 120 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 50 to 55 q/ha
  • Lodging tolerant
  • Disease reaction: Medium tolerance

Rice – Super Kalpana

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 100 to 110 cm (Semi dwarf)
  • Seed shape and size: Medium bold to medium slender
  • Seed colour: Straw
  • Maturity period: 130 to 135 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 65 to 75 q/ha
  • Lodging tolerant
  • Disease and pest reaction: Medium tolerant to blast, BPH

Rice – MPR 101 (Research rice)

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 110 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Medium bold grain
  • Seed colour: Brown
  • Maturity period: 130 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 45 to 55 q/ha
  • Lodging resistance
  • Medium tolerant to pests and diseases

Rice – MPR 202

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 100 to 105 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Extra long slender grains
  • Seed colour: Brown
  • Maturity period: 135 days

Salient Features:

  • Disease reaction: Moderate tolerant to common diseases and pests
  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 45 to 50 q/ha
  • Lodging resistance

Rice – Sunder

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 90 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Long bold
  • Maturity period: 125 to 130 days

Salient Features:

  • Moderate tolerant to pests and diseases
  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 40 to 45 q/ha

Rice – Sundar Bold

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 90 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Long bold
  • Maturity period: 125 to 130 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 45 to 50 q/h
  • Tolerant to lodging and moderate tolerant to diseases or pests

Rice – MP 3334

Product Specifications:

  • Plant height: 110 to 120 cm
  • Seed shape and size: Long slender
  • Seed colour: Straw
  • Maturity period: 130 to 135 days

Salient Features:

  • Yield potential under good agronomical practices: 70 to 75 q/ha
  • Disease and pest reaction: Moderate Tolerant to blast and moderate resistant to leaf blight
  • Lodging tolerant

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