Paddy Seeds

We provide paddy seed variants of high quality that have the potential of a good yield.

MP 3020

  •   120-125 days maturity (Mid-Early)
  •   Erect and attractive plant type
  •   Good grain quality
  •   Attractive panicles and panicle length
  •   Lodging resistant (Strong culm strength)

MP 3030

  • 125-130 days maturity (Mid-Early)
  • High number of grains per panicle
  • High test weight
  • High yield (9.5 – 10.0 q/ha)
  • Strong plant type

MPR 404

  • Mid-Early (125-130 days)
  • Compact plant type
  • High test weight
  • High yield (7.5 – 8.0 t/ha)
  • Resistant to lodging (Strong culm strength)

MPR 505

  • 125-130 days variety
  • High number of tillers per plant
  • Attractive compact panicles
  • Very good grain quality (fine grain)
  • Good yield (6.5 – 7.0 t/ha)

MPR 606

  • Very early duration (100-105 days)
  • Very good grain quality (fine grain)
  • Unique combination of above traits with decent yield (5 -5.5 t/ha)

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