Biological Products

The plant growth promoter and biological segment comprises of products which are organic in nature. These products are synthesised from microbial culture in a specially controlled atmosphere or are special extracts of certain plants having medicinal properties towards the control of fungal disease.

Jingo NXG
Product available in: 20 ml, 100 ml, 400 ml, 800 ml
Technical/Chemical Name:
 Biological PGP
Category: Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
Product Description:

  • A unique agricultural bioenhancer product formulated from natural extracts of sea plants, without any fortification
  • A sustainable (Nutricycling) and eco-friendly option that is free of toxins
  • Mechanism of action using TARMA and SPURT to increase plant yield and growth
  • Rigorously and repeatedly tested with CPRI, IIRR, IIVR, IIHR, UPASI and others in various crops systems
  • Patented formulation; one of its kind in the world; only available with Mahindra in retail in India
  • Processed from fresh, raw material obtained from their own cultivation site

Dosage: 200 ml per acre

  • Increases root proliferation
  • Increases shoot growth
  • Increases leaf area
  • Increases cell division

Product available in: 500 ml, 1000 ml
Technical/Chemical Name:
 Biological PGP
Category: Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs)
Product Description:

  • A unique agricultural biostimulant product made indigenously from natural extracts using TARMA – a new, cutting-edge technology that will help plants in producing maximum yields
  • A first-in-class product conforming to sustainable Nutricycling mechanism, which makes it eco-friendly and toxin-free
  • When sprayed on plants, the active components interact with the cell-surface receptors and activate them to mediate downstream signal transduction pathways
  • This Targeted Receptor Mediated Activation (TARMA) technology elevates plant hormone synthesis, increases photosynthetic efficiency, accelerates cell multiplication and enhances carbon and nitrogen utilisation
  • The precise action of Jingo on plants leads to activation of important molecules that is then translocated to the various parts of the plant resulting in evident phenotypic changes such as root mass proliferation, shoot length increase and early growth vigour, which directly translates to increases in crop yield
  • Application of Jingo enhances photosynthetic efficiency and aids the plants in coping with environmental stress

Dosage: 700-1000 ml per acre with 200 litres of water

  • When sprayed on plants, the active components interact with the cell-surface receptors and activate them to mediate downstream signal transduction pathways
  • This Targeted Receptor Mediated Activation (TARMA) technology elevates plant hormone synthesis, increases photosynthetic efficiency, accelerates cell multiplication and enhances carbon and nitrogen utilisation

Unnati Gold
Product available in: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml
Technical/Chemical Name
: Seaweed extract
Category: Seaweed extract
Product Description:

  • A truly organic product
  • Can be applied to all types of crops
  • A liquid formulation
  • Provides a stimulus in reproductive state of the plant and helps boost the yield
  • Contains amino acids, protein, cytokinin and other plant nutrients in organic form
  • Can be used a number of times to increase plucking or produce
  • Improves quality of the produce

Dosage: 200 ml per acre

  • Provides a stimulus in reproductive state of the plant and helps boost the yield
  • Contains amino acids, protein, cytokinin and other plant nutrients in organic form
  • Can be used a number of times to increase plucking or produce
  • Improves quality of the produce

Product available in: 100 g, 250 g, 500 g
Technical/Chemical Name
: Organic soil and plant vitaliser
Category: Soil conditioners
Product Description:

  • A truly organic product
  • Certified by ECOCERT
  • In a powder formulation, exclusively offered by Mahindra Agribusiness
  • Contains micro-encapsulated 52+ strains of microbes and biosensors and bioactivators in organic form
  • It provides stimulus in the vegetative state of the plant and helps in boosting of yield
  • The product gives stress and disease tolerance and enables effective root development

Dosage: 500 gm per acre (broadcasting), 2-5 gm per litre (spraying)

  • Performs well during environmental stress
  • Increases availability of micronutrients to the plants
  • Increases photosynthesis activity
  • Accelerates plant growth
  • Improves soil structure
  • Increases white roots and secondary roots
  • Improves germination
  • Reduces transplant shock


Product available in: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml
Technical/Chemical Name
: Herbal extract
Category: Crop Protection
Product Description:

  • A herbal product for the control of viral diseases in plants; manufactured by extracting the plant sap of various beneficial herbs
  • Virokil is suitable for all crops of economic importance
  • Two sprays are necessary for obtaining significant result
  • Virokil can be applied with all types of insecticides and fungicides

Dosage: 4-5 ml per litre of water

Product available in:
100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1000 ml
Technical/Chemical Name
: Herbal extract
Category: Fungicides
Product Description:

  • Stopwilt is a herbal product
  • Effective against fusarium wilt of most of the crops
  • Can be used in soil drenching as well as in spraying on the effective crop, based on specific need
  • Two applications are necessary for effective control

Dosage: 3-4 ml per litre of water


  • Stopwilt is an herbal product
  • Effective against fusarium wilt of most of the crops
  • Can be used in soil drenching as well as in spraying on the effective crop based on specific need

Product available in: 5 kg, 8 kg, 10 kg
Technical/Chemical Name
: Seaweed extract granules
Category: Seaweed Extract
Product Description:

  • Samudra – Gr is a unique, biological product derived from the fermentation of seaweed (sargassum wightii)
  • Samudra is an algae seaweed growing in hostile eco-systems like seawater which has low dissolved oxygen, diffused sunlight and no nutrient base
  • Sargassum type of seaweeds have an innate ability to synthesise their own food in such hostile environments. It is surmised that presence of unique biostimulants such as auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, betaines and many more help seaweeds withstand biotic and abiotic hostilities and still grow and complete their life cycle
  • Samudra is made from unique downstream processing after fermentation of seaweeds, thereby enabling retention of all biostimulant substances naturally present in Sargassum seaweed
  • Samudra – Gr is approved for use in organic agriculture
  • Samudra – Gr contains growth promoting biostimulants such as auxins, cytokinins, gibberellins, betaines, biologically activated nutrients and hydrolysed protein complexes which aid in cell division of the plant and promote plant growth and tillering

Dosage: 5-8 kg per acre (basal dose or top dressing), apply uniformly over the field


  • Provides a stimulus in the reproductive state of the plant and helps boosting the yield
  • Contains amino acids, protein, cytokinin and other plant nutrients in organic form
  • Can be used a number of times to increase plucking or produce
  • Improves quality of the produce

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