
These are the chemicals used for the control of insect pests on crops that are of economic importance. Insecticides should be used judiciously, and only when the population of pests is above Economic Threshold Level (ETL) so that spraying of the chemical insecticide is justified.

Product available in: 2 gm, 40 gm, 100 gm

Product Description:

  • Filanto is a fipronil based phenylpyrazole insecticide.
  • Filanto is very effective in controlling stem borer and leaf folder in rice
  • Fipronil not only controls insect pests effectively but also shows plant growth enhancement effects which results in higher yields
  • The potent formulation enables effective control of pests at very low dose rates thereby resulting in lower impact on environment

Recommended Use:

Give first spray as soon as incidence of stem borer (appearance of dead hearts) and leaf folder (appearance of white stripes on leaves) starts and 1-2 more sprays depending upon severity of the incidence.


Crop Common name of the pest Formulation (gm/ml) per hectare Dilution in water (litre) per hectare Waiting period (days)
Rice Stem borer, leaf folder 50-62.5 375-500 19
Grapes Thrips 50-62.5 750-1000 10
Onion Thirps 75 500 15
Cabbage Diamondback moth 93.75 500 15

Product available in: 25gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg

Product Description:

  • Fleedy is a diafenthiuron 50% WP based insecticide
  • It is a broad-spectrum insecticide which controls whiteflies, aphids, jassids and thrips in cotton, DiamondBack Moth (DBM) in cabbage, mites in chilli and whiteflies in brinjal
  • It controls nymphs and adults and gives longer lasting control
  • It belongs to a unique chemical group allowing control of insects and mites resistant to major chemical classes such as OPs or pyrethroids
  • It is selective to beneficial insects and thus best fit in IPM programmemes
  • This broad-spectrum insecticide controls the sucking complex and mites as well
  • It has vapor action and works well in dense crops and in large fields
  • It results quick knockdown through immediate paralysis of the pest
  • It degrades into a urea derivative resulting in a phytotonic effect

Dosage: 700-1000 ml per acre with 200 litres of water

Recommended Use:


Crop Common name of the pest Formulation (gm/ml) per hectare Dilution in water (litre) per hectare Waiting period (days)
Cotton Whiteflies, aphids, jassids, thrips 600 500-1000 21
Cabbage Diamondback moth 600 500-750 7
Chilli Mites 600 500-750 3
Brinjal Whitefly 600 500-750 3
Cardamom  Thrips, capsule borer 800  1000 7

Paton Super
Product available in: 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre

Product Description:

  • Paton Super combines the proven properties of imidacloprid 30.5% SC, with a superior improved suspension concentrate formulation enabling better absorption and resulting in longer persistence
  • It is very effective against most sucking insect pests
  • SC formulation helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface
  • It is very economical insecticide due to its efficiency on use due to longer persistence and hence saves farmer’s money, labour and time
  • Being systemic in nature, it is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests. It is thus ideal for IPM programmeme
  • Application results in better and vigorous growth with stress shield effect

Recommended Use:

Crop Common name of the pest Formulation (gm/ml) per hectare Dilution in water (litre) per hectare Waiting period (days)
Cotton Jassids, aphids, thrips 60-75 500-750 26
Rice Brown planthopper,
White backed planthopper
60-75 500-750 37

For non-agricultural use: For protecting building from termite attack at pre and post construction stages, apply imidacloprid 30.5% m/m SC @ 0.075% a.i. concentration.

Teevra TC
Product available in: 
250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litre
Product Description:

  • Teevra TC is based on chlorpyrifos 50%
  • Systemic and contact insecticide
  • Used in the control of stem borer and leaf roller in rice
  • Chlorpyrifos is a broad-spectrum
  • Insecticide which kills insects upon contact by affecting the normal function of the nervous system

Recommended Use:

Crop Common name of the pest Formulation (gm/ml) per hectare Dilution in water (litre) per hectare Waiting period (days)
Rice Rice Stem borer, Leaf roller 750-800 500-1000 15

Trapper Super
Product available in: 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 litre, 5 litre

Product Description:

  • It is a combination product of profenofos 40% EC + cypermethrin 4% EC
  • It is used to control bollworm of cotton
  • Time of Application: Depends on the concurrence of insect pests. Repeat application at an interval of 10-15 days
  • Insects Controlled: Cotton bollworms, leaf roller, stem borer, fruit borer, hispa, bihar hairy caterpillar, shoot borer, shoot fly, diamondback moth and other caterpillar insects
  • It is a combination product of organophosphorus and pyrethroids compound
  • It is a broad-spectrum insecticide having contact and stomach action

Recommended Use:

Crop Common name of the pest Formulation (gm/ml) per hectare Dilution in water (litre) per hectare Waiting period (days)
Cottom Bollworm complex 1000-1500 500-1000 14

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